Yes, in my install the G-5’s are primary but STC requires a backup to those functions of the remaining steam gauges. Another interesting discovery was that a VSI was required per the Garmin STC even though it is not required equipment for VFR or IFR flight, not for hire. So I gained...
. Don’t know how similar my 61/172 panel is to the 180 but things can be arranged without compromising the structure underneath. The G-5’s had to be offset to the right of the center of the yoke to accomplish that.
Just thought I’d share a note from my insurance broker regarding the carrier I have on the Supercub.
Thank you for contacting us regarding your expiring medical. Please see the underwriters note below. Let me know if you have any questions.
Yes, we are in compliance, Due to the Covid-19...
Had same symptoms on O360 this year after rebuild. Sent carb out, no help, no induction leaks, verified timing. Slick Mags were freshly overhauled. Swapped out the impulse mag and boom, started righty up. Since that rebuild I’d had some problems with CHT’s. Rebuild shop said they don’t...
Yes, the incident report stated the pilot mistakenly flew into a narrow, high walled canyon and was unable to escape.
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I don’t really see the link in the study by which human consumption of sugar is proven to stimulate or accelerate cancer growth... one quote in your posted article, “Victoria Stevens, a researcher for the American Cancer Society (who had no involvement in the study) was cautious of the results...
Some of the Bose (non-aviation) conversions are INOP when the battery dies, unlike a purpose built aviation headset where you just lose ANR...FYI.
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