This from some one who flew unlimited competition for a few years. Aileron roll is a roll around the axis of the plane. A barrel roll is a motion like a barrel. A snap roll is performed by stalling the wing either positive or negative and adding full rudder. One can barrel roll almost any plane...
Go get your knees fixed and keep flying. I am 81 and still keep flying. I have been all over Northern Quebec but on floats. Not great for just wheels. Fuel is the real problem up there now. There is plenty of time to grow old.
There I was skydiving hard over Freeport. I’m in the upper right, I see Capt Hook and Roger Nelson. The rest I don’t remember. Sure was lot’s of fun back then. 36 way
Is that the same Mike Sisemore who was a skydiver? If yes, I have a picture from him on my hangar wall. I would have to count but looks like a 24 way from the Freak Brothers in Freeport.
I will be in one in August up to Alaska. 180hp but otherwise stock airframe. I had one years ago and as I remember it wasn’t any more effort to fly than my Tcraft