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Search results

  1. T

    Please share interesting views from the air!

    Eskers left by the glacier in N. Quebec
  2. T

    Words of Wisdom...Throw In Your Favorite Saying

    From my Aunt Mary without the Scottish accent. Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
  3. T

    Please share interesting views from the air!

    The end of Continental N. America
  4. T

    Is aileron rolling a super cub a great idea

    I guess I will leave it to the experts
  5. T

    Is aileron rolling a super cub a great idea

    This from some one who flew unlimited competition for a few years. Aileron roll is a roll around the axis of the plane. A barrel roll is a motion like a barrel. A snap roll is performed by stalling the wing either positive or negative and adding full rudder. One can barrel roll almost any plane...
  6. T

    Corvus Migrans the Wandering Raven

    Go get your knees fixed and keep flying. I am 81 and still keep flying. I have been all over Northern Quebec but on floats. Not great for just wheels. Fuel is the real problem up there now. There is plenty of time to grow old. Jim
  7. T

    Has anyone shipped floats within the last few years?

    Get a old boat trailer and throw it away when you get home. Worked for me. Jim
  8. T

    North East Summer Fun 2024

    Nice Norton Jim
  9. T

    North East Summer Fun 2024

    Two left feet Jim
  10. T

    Seaplane Base Management

    Try Bay City Mich. Jim
  11. T

    McCauley GM8241

    Go for a Sensenich. Guys out west are getting 337s for 0-320s on other planes besides Super Cubs Jim
  12. T

    Old Guard

    There I was skydiving hard over Freeport. I’m in the upper right, I see Capt Hook and Roger Nelson. The rest I don’t remember. Sure was lot’s of fun back then. 36 way Jim
  13. T

    Old Guard

    I will see if I can post the skydive photo. It was a vets and some missing an armor a leg. Not me. Jim
  14. T

    Old Guard

    Is that the same Mike Sisemore who was a skydiver? If yes, I have a picture from him on my hangar wall. I would have to count but looks like a 24 way from the Freak Brothers in Freeport. Jim
  15. T

    PA-18 tail feathers on a PA-20, Pacer

    I will be in one in August up to Alaska. 180hp but otherwise stock airframe. I had one years ago and as I remember it wasn’t any more effort to fly than my Tcraft
  16. T

    North East Winter Fun 23/24

    Count me in if you want to go. Jim
  17. T

    North East Winter Fun 23/24

    Just going to Dansville for a Big Mac. The #1 meal is now $9.65. Going to take the skis off for now. Jim
  18. T

    North East Winter Fun 23/24

    I was just flying around aimlessly looking for some snow. Should have stopped bye to say hi. Next time. How are you healing up? Jim
  19. T

    No Damage History.

    Both me and my plane have damage history with only the plane fixed like new. Jim