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Search results

  1. A

    I have a new safari seat in a box somewhere in my hangar. send me an email, I'll go look for...

    I have a new safari seat in a box somewhere in my hangar. send me an email, I'll go look for it. Don supercub180@gmail.com
  2. N57753


    Super Cub Project
  3. C-FUZO


    C150L Taildragger project
  4. N4167Z


    Project Airplane
  5. A

    PA-18 wing parts

    I have lots of NOS and used OEM ribs - send me an email supercub180@gmail.com
  6. A

    Wipaire 2000 lbs gross weight increase?

    Piper had a lightweight V-shaped piece of metal to close the top of the fabric triangle of the gear legs. Wipaire provide a 3/8" or so square tube to replace this. Most PMA'd gear legs already have this installed. Aerodon
  7. A

    Wipaire 2000 lbs gross weight increase?

    There's a bolt on option so you don't have to do any welding on a covered airplane. Don
  8. A

    I need help getting some info about shipping a super cub to Europe

    I would remove the engine and prop. Pack everything on the assumption that the container will be dropped 12". (I think there is a standard allowable impact, remember th crane is lowering onto a truck / she with very little movement. But start with the shipping company and their insurers...
  9. A

    Fuselage difference, PA-18 & PA-18-150

    If you look at the list of approved aircraft, it applies to PA18A and just about everything else except the straight PA18. The drawings reference PA18-105 and up. So just how does one go about demonstrating that it is applicable to a PA18? Requirements in Canada are more exact. Aerodon
  10. A

    L21 questions

    Anyone able to read the drawing number off this drawing?
  11. A

    PA-18 Lower Cowl Drawing

    Yes, and I bought a dimpling tool that you can borrow. I have the full CAD drawing ready to cut, but each one might be a little different depending upon the front oil cooler (or not). Don supercub180@gmail.com
  12. A

    Instrument Panel measurement needed

    7.25” from top to break, 3” to bottom. Can send pictures if you need. Supercub180@gmail.com
  13. A

    185 Instument Panel Layout

    I can make G5 single and dual flush mounts as per Garmin installation instructions. Can customize the mounting hole location if required. Don supercub180@gmail.com
  14. A

    Original Mooney 201 paint schemes

    There were only 41 built, 18 still on register in USA, more in Germany. My understanding is they were good candidates for Rocket or Missile conversions in Spokane.
  15. A

    Can hear aileron cable rubbing when cold in 185

    I had to chase down a rubbing cable in the fuselage of a C172. Several of us looked all over for a rub and couldn't find it. Turned out to be a servo capstan rubbing against a cable retainer post. We were amazed at how a smooth capstan, running agains a smooth post converted into a rough...
  16. A

    Rosie the Riveters Niece

    There is a machine available that can take a roll of flat sheet and roll & crimp these sheds on site. Or you can buy kits. Not expensive, but count the bolts you need to fit before you get too excited. Don
  17. A

    Cracked O-320 Case - Best way to proceed?

    Gord, no, a widedeck has an A in the serial number. Go to Wikipedia and look up the O320, they have a nice list of the variants of each engine. My understanding is that if you have one model, and convert to anorther, you need a second data plate (depending on the changes). don
  18. A

    Cracked O-320 Case - Best way to proceed?

    Gord, I have an O320 propstrike narrow deck engine that I would be willing to part out... Don supercub180@gmail.com
  19. Lower Cowl V4 MCS Mod

    Lower Cowl V4 MCS Mod

  20. A

    Classifieds scam?

    The nicest 'counter scam' I read about was the guy who sent a phone book instead of a laptop to the UK. Along with a proper invoice for the GPB1200 the guy paid with a fake check. Now VAT is about 18% for incoming shipments, not an inconsequential amount when you receive a phone book, and its...