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Search results

  1. cpthazard

    Christmas Gifts for Supercub/Taildragger Pilots for under $100, $100-$200

    Mike, are you going to make your apps available for droid OS phones? I had your weather cam app on my iphone and was tickled to death with it, thanks, Dennis B.
  2. cpthazard

    A Sad day in Alaska, Scott Muller was Lost

    This is breaking my big heart, God Bless his family and friends with the strength to cope with the heartache and loss. db
  3. cpthazard

    Broken Tail wheel bolt

    you can always get a two hole upper casting from Mr. Wup, Pawnee Tail springs from Univair, use the eye bolt and a standard AN 7, these puny little Scott Tailwheels take one hell of a pounding, it's amazing to me they last as long and work as well as they do. My tail is 3 pounds heavier than...
  4. cpthazard

    Fuel in Northway

    The first time (july '85) I landed at Northway is memorable mostly because of the waitress....got fuel, parked the plane and me and my two buddies thrilled to finally be in Alaska went into the cafe for a burger and coffee....on the tables were ashtrays that were printed with the words "Stolen...
  5. cpthazard

    Superior XP O-360

    I found this thread on the search engine, after reading it I'm curious if anyone has used one of Superiors Vantage Certified O360's on their Certified Cub. If you have I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. Since it's been 9 years since this thread was initiated I'm hoping someone has some...
  6. cpthazard

    Big Creek Lodge News

    Maybe Jr. will Sling load one in for you
  7. cpthazard

    NEW AD all piper aircraft....

    No need to Fret about the Cubs being left out of the Bureaucratic fray.....this showed up in a correspondence from the Feds today FAA Issues SAIB for Piper Super Cub On February 6, 2013, the FAA issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) alerting owners and...
  8. cpthazard

    Bushwheels: 31" vs 35" pros & cons

    I've tried most all of them, my opinion doesn't carry much weight anywhere in the world so I won't pine in here, I have a set {the most incredible fantastic tire ever made} and sold everything else [skis, 31's, blimpies] and am looking for a spare set to put in the cool and dark of my basement...
  9. cpthazard

    Symptoms of Rough Running PA18, need Diagnosis

    I recently had a similar mystery, turned out a very slight fuel stain on one intake pipe was the clue, the bolts holding the cap were slightly loose, a new gasket and tightening the bolts and it's run fine since. That was after pulling both mags and going through them, replacing the plugs with...
  10. cpthazard

    low altitude waiver?

    This is all very enlightening and I highly recommend each of you abides by the letter of the Law....ahem..on the other hand telling a bunch of Cub Pilots to stay at 500 feet above a fence line or a telephone pole is like trying to tell your teenage driver to obey the speed limit....good reasons...
  11. cpthazard

    Momma CloudDancer to Train For New Type Rating!

    A great tribute to a Great Lady, thanks for sharing your love for your Mom with us Cloudy....I hope she gives a shout out to my sweet ole Mom when she settles into the 'heavenly routine'...
  12. cpthazard

    LED Landing & Taxi Light Comparison

    Thanks Darrel, I went to your web site and got side tracked with the K&N induction filter, I didn't even know they existed....time to cash in the beer cans and buy an air filter. The lights will have to wait until the barrel gets filled up again with small cylindrical aluminum containers.
  13. cpthazard

    Alaska Pilot Passes On

    Condolences to his family and his flying buddies, I think even those of us that never met him lost a friend and that makes me sad. RIP Tony
  14. cpthazard

    Beaten by a girl

    my wife did the same thing 40 years or so back, embarrassed me with a .22 and beer cans so got her into trap shooting and her rhythm and understanding of shot patterns rivaled any man I've ever shot with, about the time I'm dreaming of her winning the honors at Dayton she said shooting was...
  15. cpthazard

    Brake Pedal Links

    I got some 3/16th steel rod, threaded both ends, used some clevis ends to adjust the length just right, used a jam nut against each clevis to keep it right, these rods got rid of the slop inherent with the original wire's, there's a hundred way to do it and all of them are better than the...
  16. cpthazard

    Thanks Pops and Austin!

    It took out a ten inch section, full width, from the center mounting screws forward. That and twisted the left side fairing between the tank and skylight. I'm pretty sure the head set band took the impact but my poor old hard head was sore for a few days anyway. Did you guys do the Bowling...
  17. cpthazard

    Thanks Pops and Austin!

    me three, I was planning on going this year but a chuckhole in the Montana sky decided to drop my cub and it's skylight into my head the other day, haven't gotten it fixed yet but the parts are rounded up and ready for install. Those of you traveling without duct tape.....please carry an...
  18. cpthazard

    ABI Fuel Bags

    Well Wup sells them with the bladders, I bought one and it works well but then the spout broke so I got a combo set at a Yamaha Super Store, if it's made by Yamaha they sell it, the end piece screws right into the bladder then there's an on off valve (PVC, similar to the one's Bush Wheel sells)...
  19. cpthazard

    ABI Fuel Bags

    Now you've got me nervous, I think I'll siphon out five gallons and pour it back in only as you suggest through a filter funnel. I just filled the plane up in prep for an Idaho trip next weekend, those recip siphon hoses are made of vinyl too. Thanks for the heads up!
  20. cpthazard

    ABI Fuel Bags

    same here, what i like is packing fuel in my belly tank then when arriving at my secret spot for a weekend of beer camping I'll siphon out enough to fill my two ABI bladders, when the weekend is done then I've got ten gallons to pour back into the belly tank and head for the nearest fuel farm...