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Search results

  1. My Cub

    My Cub

    My Cub
  2. Eddie Foy

    how cold is it where your at?

    The darkness is worse!
  3. Eddie Foy

    Another American Hero Passes

    Having been a fighter pilot for 23 years, I am very familiar with the “Pardo Push.”. An incredible example of sacrifice for your Brother in Arms. He knew he would have to eject also. On the other hand..F4 accuracy? Rolling in at 14,000 and pickling at 10,000 with no computers and a red...
  4. Eddie Foy

    AOA Indicators

    A no kidding AOA vane looks like this.
  5. Eddie Foy

    Another Patey Adventure

    There is a video of him landing in the post. Not sure if it was THE one.
  6. Eddie Foy

    Light Sport NPRM finally released

    That is what I meant.
  7. Eddie Foy

    Light Sport NPRM finally released

    So you can fly a standard PA-18 with a driver’s license?
  8. Eddie Foy

    Light Sport NPRM finally released

    No weight limit. But stalling speed increase limiting to somewhere around 3000 lbs.
  9. Eddie Foy

    Stalls, Students, what how are you teaching or learning?

    And if you did not do it verbatim, the Tweet would spin into the ground!
  10. Eddie Foy

    VFR Flight following when not flying direct to

    Will she slow down to take a look at you?
  11. Eddie Foy

    VFR Flight following when not flying direct to

    I have helped out several people at AA by monitoring guard.
  12. Eddie Foy

    VFR Flight following when not flying direct to

    AA never required us to monitor VHF guard. I did it routinely.
  13. Eddie Foy

    LSA to build

    Think I may make a trip to Kansas!
  14. Eddie Foy

    LSA to build

    Anyone with a Rans S-20. Comparison between the S-7 and the S-20.
  15. Eddie Foy

    LSA to build

    Did you build it?
  16. Eddie Foy

    LSA to build

    I started years ago building an RV-8. Built the empanage and got side tracked and sold it. I want to build an LSA. Something with performance similar to a Super Cub. Something that I could haul in a trailer would be a plus. I enjoy building almost as much as flying it. I rebuilt a...
  17. Eddie Foy

    Oops, darn it...

    And the insurance rates go higher! Is this the first FX wreck?
  18. Eddie Foy

    Oops, darn it...

    The plane was a mess. Surprised that they walked away. Post by Mike Patey.
  19. Eddie Foy

    Higgs Diesel

    Horsepower is (RPMs x Torque)/5252.
  20. Eddie Foy

    Carbon Cub Lands on Heli Pad in Dubai

    But if you miss the touchdown point, you die!! That pilot has extreme confidence in his ability and brass balls!