You have brought to mind another potentially useful and valuable Hangar Flying session at the 2025 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, to be held a the Buffalo MN Municipal Airport (KCFE) on Friday and Saturday, May 16-17..."Considerations for Securing Your Aircraft". Thank you!
Doc R
I agree regarding knots, from a surgeon's perspective, from a fly fishing perspective and from an aviation perspective.
When sutures fail, it is most commonly from a knot that comes untied, for from poor tissue composition. Obesity, history of cigarette smoking, poor general health all made me...
For those who might be thinking of attending the 2025 Great MN Aviation Gathering (Friday and Saturday, May 16-17 at the Buffalo Municipal Airport, KCFE) we are very likely to have a session on ski flying. This thread has some great advice and observations. Thanks, SJ, for revitalizing the...
I had high oil temperatures and chased it until someone (here) suggested I have the mag timing checked. Sure enough, the timing was off, it was readjusted and that entirely took care of the problem.
...just another perspective.
Doc R
This good news in my email box this morning from the FAA...
FAA Statement on Postponement of Medical Denial Process Change
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will postpone the implementation of a process change for individuals applying for an airman medical certificate with incomplete...
I’m in contact with them, Jeff. I have been working with them regarding other issues and am shocked that this happened without us having any knowledge of what was going on.
Mark Cook, board member of the MN Pilots Assn, forwarded this letter written to the Federal Air Surgeon regarding the changes discussed in this thread. We have written our support, as well, on behalf of Minnesota pilots.
Please contact your local and regional aviation organizations and lend...
I received a call today from a former board member of the MN Pilots Association indicating that it is his clear understanding that the Piney Creek airport, 48Y, will be closed permanently on 12/27/2024. If you have any information about this please contact me at
This is...
Spot on! Thanks for sharing your experience and your thoughts. Regarding your statement "...understanding putting something on your medical record..." readers may want to visit the thread "Know Thyself...Do You Know What Is In Your Electronic Medical Records?"...
I was asked by a physician friend, who is also heavily invested in aviation in Minnesota, as to what precipitated the changes. Here is my response to him.
It seems that with the new FAA reauthorization bill came an opportunity for the FAA attorneys to weigh in again. My experience with...
Friends, I just tried clicking on the link to re-watch the video of the Grand Rounds (in which the changes were announced, and from whence the screen shots posted previously were derived) and it has been blocked by the FAA. It is my guess that significant questions have been raised and that...
Late last evening I received an email from Mike Vivion that caused me to have a sleepless night...
A family medicine doc, David B. Wheat MD, AME, from Mississippi, wrote a letter to his pilots (he does about 400 exams per year) after he became informed about changes that go into effect January...
It is with a heavy heart that I am bringing this thread back to front and center as many of us here have become friends with a person who wishes anonymity who is on his "final flight". In particular, I received a message today from another contributor who mentioned how difficult it...
I think it is time to clean and refurbish my Scott 3200 tailwheel. I recall a packet of things that can be purchased to accomplish this task. Anyone have the ordering information? Thanks for checking!
Can anyone provide a part number for the solid tailwheel replacement for the Scott 3200? I saw the question asked in previous postings here, but no response.
For bonus points, does anyone know of a similar solid replacement for the Stearman PT17, with part numbers?