Congrats! Well-deserved! And to think that we have know you since when! I'll never forget you flying up alongside CG Nesin and I the first time we met you in person. That and the time you found Cliff in a field. I've been laughing ever since.
How quaint, I thought. Then it hit me. I bought my first Cub in 2000. Almost a quarter of a freaking century ago. I made myself go look in the mirror. Yup, its been a 23 years and it shows.
I stumbled across early on--back in 2003, and had many merry adventures commence...
With the C-90 and the stock flow of air the oil temps do trend up on warm days. I haven't had it go over, but certainly close to limit on some days. So, the flow likely wasn't optimal to begin with on the sump. I've also had old hands tell me C-90s like to be run hard and hot. It is...
At the end of the day it's a bit of a personal choice as to what, if anything, to wear for personal protective gear. However, way back when I started wearing some protective clothing (an old issue green nomex flight suit cast off due to a stain from the local guard unit) and a dave clark helmet...
I've heard tell the stuff is far more powerful than the weed of yore that we saw about in our high school years of the late 70s/early 80s. Heard a funny story the other day about a guy who had a hit from a buddy's vape, not realizing it wasn't nicotine, but some of the modern happy weed. He...
There is more than one way to do things and one size doesn't fit all. Find a lawyer experienced in estate and commercial law for the best solution. And avoid fads. Simpler is better. A lot less expensive to sort out.
I think it is time to consider reviving the Bushwhacker Fly In next summer to bring some economic infusion to the region. Rumford and environs were very hard hit in this storm. It will be many months of recovery for the region.
Saw a guy leave a 3200 behind once. He wondered why the airplane steered poorly when he landed. Bolt broke on takeoff or landing. We stole another 3200 to complete the fly in weekend and rebuilt the broken 3200. Oh, well.
I continue to use my beloved USAF SRU-21 vest. I remain solidly in the school of "if you ain't wearing it, you ain't got it" in the event of an incident. Reviewing/updating my contents this year also coincided with putting together the snowmobile kit bag. That backpack is on the back of the...
I have mixed feelings about this. Putting VGs on my PA-11 seemed a big enough transgression. Watching the evolution of one bigger better STOL super cub style airplanes is a whole other thing.