I used to use Columbia Airmotive in Troutdale Oregon for hardware….bummed to this day the Sturgis brothers closed it down. 2 generations of small airplane guys and at one time the worlds largest cache of B17 parts!
I use the regulars in Anchorage but no one stocks the inventory they had.
Speaking of performance exhaust systems…..I have a leading edge exhaust sitting around if anyone is still wants one. I took mine off chasing high temperatures. My CHT actually went down without it….so it’s not going back on
If anynone in Alaska has an old airglass standard pod and is upgrading……let me know. I have a combi pod on my Cub and it’s just a bit small sometimes.
Although I do love the ability to go from anchorage to lake Clark and back without getting gas.
They’ve been jamming for years in that area, although this is a whole new level. My crappy freight company pulled us off these routes a couple years ago.
We still get jammed going through Bahrain Kuwait area on the way to Dubai sometimes.
From the reading I’ve been doing it’s a temporary...