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  • Pete, I understand you have operated EDO 3500's for some time under a 185, I am looking at what appears to be decent set and would like to get your opinion on a few specifics. Would a quick call be possible at your convenience? I am in the Hudson Valley of NY.
    Thank you,
    Troy "TR" Dunn
    845 532-9550
    My name is Dave Hainline, I own Connie Edwards cub and 339 floats. I am planning to rebuild the floats in my spare time. I have pretty good blueprints of the floats and installation. Is there a good source for the long bolts that hold the spreader tubes in?
    This is a good source for hardware. I don't know why they are shutting down their web site? https://gen-aircraft-hardware.com/ Their reference book is an excellent listing for all aircraft hardware.

    I seem to recall selling Connie Edwards a set of my North River Brake boosters for that plane.
    Hi Sky wagon,

    I presume your the skywagon on the Back country site who asked the question about cooling.
    If so - I have been testing my bird and have 16 hours on her. And some interesting results on the cooling. I was getting 400 deg plus on the hot days and up to 450. I have been working on a few things and it was pointed out that because I had ECI barrels and they were tapered, the baffling that I had sent did not fit them. So I have made up 3 fillers. two for the front and one for number 3 rear. Only had one flight so far and temps are down 30 deg I think. I should have noticed this but I just thought that I had the correct baffling sent.

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